Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of following Jesus together.

  • Jesus is alive.

    Jesusโ€™ story did not end at the cross where he died. Yes He died, but three days later He returned to life. We call this the resurrection of Jesus. Resurrection is the central belief of the Christian faith. If Jesus is still dead so is our faith. But He is not and it is not. Jesus is alive.

  • Jesus is divine.

    Jesus wasnโ€™t just a good teacher or a revolutionary leader or a champion of social justice. He claimed to be more, much more. He claimed to be God. In fact the one of the primary reasons He was crucified on a cross is because He was accused of blasphemy which means equating oneself with God. He was guilty as charged. Except it wasnโ€™t blasphemy. He claimed to be God because He was and is God.

  • God as Trinity.

    The Bible clearly reveals to us God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Spirit. This is a hard truth to fully understand, but is the truth nonetheless. The only thing that can measure up to the vastness of God, is the goodness of God.

  • Grace Saves.

    No human effort is enough to earn relationship with God. Fortunately relationship with God cannot be earned, only given and received. It is called grace. By Godโ€™s grace our sin is completely forgiven and we are eagerly welcomed into relationship with Him, not just for now, but forever.

  • Baptism is significant.

    The Bible places a high emphasis on baptism and so do we. In the Bible when someone wanted to say โ€˜Yesโ€™ to Jesus they were baptized. Only grace can save, but baptism is the appropriate response to the opportunity of grace. There is nothing magical about the water, but there is something powerful about baptism. Baptism symbolizes Jesusโ€™ own death, burial and resurrection. Baptism is a picture of burying the old life of sin and being raised into a new life with Jesus.

  • Jesus is coming.

    When? Not sure. How exactly? Donโ€™t know. However, we believe He is coming again. The reason we believe Jesus is coming again? He said He would. When Jesus returns, heaven will begin and those who knew and loved Him will be welcomed home.

  • The Bible is true.

    The Bible is not just a collection of wise sayings and memorable stories. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. Therefore the Bible will never become irrelevant or outdated. God is timeless and so is His truth.